Halifax Central Junior High

January 20th, 2020

****PLEASE NOTE: Error the calendar stated January 31st was an assessment and evaluation day this is only for high schools Halifax Central will be open for classes this day***

-**Parents please ensure to call the safe arrival line 902-421-6777 press 1 if your child will be absent or late (both for am/pm classes)

-Please see our website for upcoming events and news.

-We are in week one of your schedule Day A

-Choir forms are in the office please see Ms. Clarke, all are welcome to join!!! Choir is every Wednesday at noon hour

-Ski team/ski club students who are still interested and didn’t attend the meeting info sheets are in the office. Students are asked to bring in $50 to participate, also their will be an organization of carpools for kids should transport be needed

-Anyone interested in trying out for floor ball team please come to the gym at the beginning of lunch today

-Debate club every Friday at noon

-All participants of the entrepreneurship fair please ensure you have your distribution of funds form returned signed by a parent or guardian to have your proceeds returned to you

-Any G9 students who have been give 50/50 tickets for the grade 9 trip please ensure you return unsold tickets and money to the office draw date in January 30, 2020

-G9’s is asking for all classes to bring in any used plastic bottles and/or cans to your homeroom (place in a box) as these will be used for their Social Studies Awareness Project.

-Water cooler is now installed outside the office please ensure to bring your own water bottles so that they can be refilled